August 2021 – Registration 2021

We’re so excited to be back for another year of improv!

The CCMS Improv program is a year-long comprehensive study of game-based, short form improvisation directed and taught by award-winning professional improvisers Eric Price, Sarah Parga, and Eddie Quintana.

Registration for the 2021-2022 CCMS Improv Program is now open and classes begin on September 20.


  • Online REGISTRATION – for 2021-22, registration begins August 10 and closes August 27 (click here to register)
  • Students attend a MANDATORY TRIAL CLASS  – on August 27 from 2:30-4:00 pm at the Robert Frost Auditorium. (both new and returning students are required to attend the Trial Class)
  • Parents attend MANDATORY PARENT MEETING – on August 27 from 4:00-5:00 pm at the Robert Frost Auditorium.

Registration can be withdrawn after the Trial Class if student/parent decide that the Improv Program is not a good match for the student at this time. Unfortunately, registration is not possible after the Trial Class.

Please explore our web pages to learn about the program, then fill out our online Registration Form and make your payment.

Register now for the CCMS Improv Program

Have questions about the CCMS Improv Program our site doesn’t answer? Contact us at